Gizlilik Politikası
Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Hakkında Aydınlatma Metni Veri Sorumlusu/ Kişisel Verilerin Toplanma Yöntemi
İşbu metin “Çelebi Havacılık Holding A.Ş.” (“ÇELEBİ”) tarafından 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu (“KVKK”) ve Avrupa Birliği Genel Veri Koruma Tüzüğü (“GDPR”) kapsamındaki “Aydınlatma Yükümlülüğü”nün yerine getirilmesi amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. ÇELEBİ, Kargo, Platinum, Meet&Greet, Bagaj Takip Formu ve İnsan Kaynakları hizmetleri sebebiyle “Veri Sorumlusu” ve “Veri İşleyen” sıfatıyla, kişisel bilgileri; kanunda ve ilgili mevzuatta açıklandığı çerçevede ve aşağıda açıklanan şart ve sınırlara bağlı kalarak; elde edebilecek, kaydedebilecek, depolayabilecek, muhafaza edebilecek, veri sahibine sunduğu hizmetleri devam ettirebilmek amacıyla güncelleyebilecek, değiştirebilecek, yeniden düzenleyebilecek, üçüncü kişilere açıklayabilecek, aktarabilecek, devredebilecek, elde edilebilir hale getirecek, sınıflandırabilecek, anonim hale getirebilecek ve kanunda sayılan diğer şekillerde kanunda belirtilen süreleri aşmayacak şekilde işleyebilecektir. İlgili formlar, aşağıda belirtilen tüm iştiraklerimiz tarafından gerektiği zamanlarda talep edilebilecektir.
Yukarıda belirtilen Kargo, Platinum, Meet&Greet hizmeti alınmadığı ve sitemizde bu hizmetlerin sunulması ile ilgili formlar doldurulmadığı müddetçe site kullanıcıları herhangi bir kişisel veri beyan etmeden işbu internet sitesindeki bilgilerden istedikleri kadar yararlanabilmektedir. İşbu internet sitesi dışında ÇELEBİ ile yapılan her türlü yazılı, sözlü veya elektronik işlemlerde faaliyetlerin yürütülmesi ve hizmetlerin başarıyla tamamlanabilmesi için ilgili mevzuat hükümleri çerçevesinde kişisel veriler işleyebilmektedir. ve ziyaretiniz boyunca çerezler kullanılacaktır, işbu Aydınlatma Metninde çerezlerle ilgili açıklamalara da yer verilmiştir.
Amaç/Hukuki Sebep
KVKK madde 3 /d ve GDPR madde 4/1 uyarınca kişisel veri “Kimliği belirli veya belirlenebilir gerçek kişiye ilişkin her türlü bilgi”yi ifade etmektedir. Kişinin kimlik bilgileri, iletişim bilgileri, yerleşim adresi, doğum tarihi, cinsiyeti, e- posta adresi ÇELEBİ tarafından saklanan kişisel verilerdir. Bu kişisel veriler, ilgili kişiler ile akdedilen sözleşme uyarınca hizmetin yerine getirilmesi, kişiye ait fatura/e-fatura düzenlenmesi, kargo takibinin sağlanması, veri analizi/araştırma yapılabilmesi, ilgili mevzuat hükümlerince bilgi saklama, raporlama, bilgilendirme yükümlülüklerine uyulması ve ÇELEBİ’nin yasal yükümlülüklerinin ifası amaçlarıyla ve bu hukuki sebep ile işlenebilmektedir. KVKK madde 5/c de belirtildiği üzere bir sözleşmenin kurulması veya ifasıyla doğrudan doğruya ilgili olması kaydıyla, sözleşmenin taraflarına ait kişisel verilerin işlenmesinin gerekli olması halinde ilgili kişinin açık rızası aranmamaktadır.
ÇELEBİ tarafından, veri sahiplerinin kişiseL verileri işbu “Aydınlatma Metni”nde belirtilen işleme amaçları dışında kullanmayacak, açık rıza ya da ilgili mevzuatta öngörülen sebepler olmaksızın 3. kişilere aktarılmayacak ve/veya ifşa edilmeyecektir.
ÇELEBİ tarafından yönetilen ve adreslerini ziyaret edenlerin kişisel verileri şu amaç ve hukuki sebeplerle işlenmektedir:
- i. Kargo takibi
- ii. Kayıp eşya takibi
- iii. VIP hizmet sunum başvurularının alınması
- iv. Hizmet bedellerinin tahsilatı
- v. İletişim kanallarının duyurulması ve kurumsal iletişim amacıyla içerik paylaşılması
- vi. Ziyaretçilerin web sitesiyle ilgili deneyimlerinin analiz edilmesi ve web sitelerinin işlevselliğinin artırılması amacıyla ziyaretçi kimliği deşifre edilmeden çerez verilerinin işlenmesi. Bu süreçte kullanılan Google Analytics teknolojisinin Gizlilik Bildirimine ayrıca buradan ulaşabilirsiniz: .
Üçüncü Kişilere ve Yurtdışına Aktarım
Veri sahibinin kişisel verileri yukarıda belirtilen amaçlar ile sınırlı olmak ve KVKK’nın 8. Ve 9.maddelerine GDPR’ın ise 44. ve devamı maddelerine aykırı olmamak üzere gerekli durumlarda aşağıdaki 3. Kişilere aktarılmaktadır.
- ÇELEBİ’nin iş ortaklarına,
- ÇELEBİ’nin hissedarlarına,
- ÇELEBİ’nin bünyesinde yer alan Şirketlerine,
- Kanunen yetkili kamu kurum ve kuruluşlara,
- Özel kişilere,
- Faaliyetlerini ve hizmetlerini yürütebilmek amacıyla, hukuki zorunluluklar ve yasal sınırlamalar çerçevesinde bağımsız denetim şirketlerine
Kişisel veriler aşağıdaki durumlar haricinde veri sahibinin açık rızası olmaksızın yurt dışına aktarılamaz.
Kişisel veriler, KVKK’nın 5 inci maddenin ikinci fıkrası ile 6 ncı maddenin üçüncü fıkrasında belirtilen şartlardan birinin varlığı ve kişisel verinin aktarılacağı yabancı ülkede; yeterli korumanın bulunması ve yeterli korumanın bulunmaması durumunda Türkiye’deki ve ilgili yabancı ülkedeki veri sorumlularının yeterli bir korumayı yazılı olarak taahhüt etmeleri ve Kurulun izninin bulunması, kaydıyla ilgili kişinin açık rızası aranmaksızın yurt dışına aktarılabilir.
Veri Sahibinin Hakları
KVKK madde 11 ve GDPR 12-22 maddeleri uyarınca veri sahibinin hakları aşağıdaki gibidir. Herkes, veri sorumlusuna başvurarak kendisiyle ilgili;
- Kişisel veri işlenip işlenmediğini öğrenme,
- Kişisel verileri işlenmişse buna ilişkin bilgi talep etme,
- Kişisel verilerin işlenme amacını ve bunların amacına uygun kullanılıp kullanılmadığını öğrenme,
- Yurt içinde veya yurt dışında kişisel verilerin aktarıldığı üçüncü kişileri bilme,
- Kişisel verilerin eksik veya yanlış işlenmiş olması hâlinde bunların düzeltilmesini isteme,
- KVKK’nın 7.nci maddesinde öngörülen şartlar çerçevesinde kişisel verilerin silinmesini veya yok edilmesini isteme,
- (d) ve (e) bentleri uyarınca yapılan işlemlerin, kişisel verilerin aktarıldığı üçüncü kişilere bildirilmesini isteme,
- İşlenen verilerin münhasıran otomatik sistemler vasıtasıyla analiz edilmesi suretiyle kişinin kendisi aleyhine bir sonucun ortaya çıkmasına itiraz etme,
- Kişisel verilerin kanuna aykırı olarak işlenmesi sebebiyle zarara uğraması hâlinde zararın giderilmesini talep etme haklarına sahiptir.
KVKK 13. Madde ve GDPR 21. Madde gereğince veri sahibi ilgili Kanun’un uygulaması ile ilgili sorularını, taleplerini veya şikayetlerini yazılı şekilde posta veya elektronik ortam üzerinden ya da KVKK’da belirtilen diğer şekillerde her zaman ÇELEBİ’ye iletebilir. Kişisel verilerle ilgili talepler; kimliği tespit edici gerekli bilgiler ve KVKK 11. Maddede sayılan haklardan hangisinin kullanılacağına yönelik açıklama ile birlikte, Saray Mah., Site Yolu Sok. Anel İs Merkezi No:5, 34768 Ümraniye/İstanbul adresine iadeli taahhütlü posta, noter vasıtasıyla veya elden teslim yöntemi ile gönderilecek bir dilekçe ile gönderilebilmektedir. ÇELEBİ, başvuruda yer alan talepleri, talebin niteliğine göre en kısa sürede sonuçlandıracaktır.
This Cookie Policy is valid for all web sites that belong to Çelebi Havacılık Holding A.Ş.
What are cookies?
The Cookies are text files which are sent to your browser and stored in your devices such as computer, tablet, mobile device etc. and include information in small sizes, when you visit a web site. The Cookies send such information back to the source web site again or to another web site which recognizes the cookies.
Why do we use cookies?
We use the cookies for various purposes including but not limited to level up your user experience, to provide you with personalized contents which are best fit to your preferences, to monitor our own performance, to provide your security and the privacy while you are visiting our web site.
Which cookies does Çelebi Havacılık Holding A.Ş. use?
The targeting cookies which are utilized in Çelebi Havacılık Holding A.Ş.’s web site, collect information about your browser habits, recognizes that you have visited a web site and share this information with other authorities and organizations. In this manner, it enables the contents which are within your area of interest to reach out to you. Even though these cookies can follow your visits to the other web sites, since no connection is established between the collected data and your profile, they usually cannot identify who you really are. Without these cookies, you encounter with less contents within your area of interest.
For the purposes of obtaining support on matters such as Google Analytics, user behaviors or monitoring of the web site performance, Çelebi Havacılık Holding A.Ş. currently uses Google Adwords as the “Targeting Cookie”. For more information related to Google Adwords, you can visit
How can I manage and delete cookies?
Usually the web browsers are directly set up allowing usage of the cookies. Through the settings of your browser, you can restrain, avoid, delete the cookies or you can adjust your device in a manner to be alerted when cookies are sent to your device. Use of different methods may be required for different browsers; you can have detailed information from the “Help” section of your browser.
If you access the web sites that belong to Çelebi Havacılık Holding A.Ş. through different devices, you need to be sure for each device that the “cookie settings” of your browser are adjusted in accordance with your preferences.
In case you avoid one or more cookie category, we may still continue to collect information with the current cookies however the usage of the cookies that were avoided will be ceased.
User Agreement
By continuing to use our web site you agree placement of the cookies to your device. If you do not want the cookies to be placed in your device, please adjust the settings of your browser in accordance with your preferences.
In case you prefer not to receive the cookies, Çelebi Havacılık Holding A.Ş. does not guarantee that you can access all domains and contents of our web site, benefit from all of the services provided in our web site. Removal or deletion of the cookies may have an adverse impact on your user experience.
You can send an e-mail to to have further information on cookies and to contact us.
This privacy policy informs you about the type, scope and purpose of the collection and use of personal data on this website by the CELEBI Cargo GmbH (hereinafter called “we” or “us”). We are responsible for all personal data collected on this website, unless this privacy policy provides different information.
Personal data is information that can be used to identify a person, i.e. information that can be traced back to a person. This typically includes your name, e-mail address or telephone number. In addition, however, purely technical data that can be traced back to a person must also be regarded as personal data.
Contact details of the data controller
Cargo City Süd 543
60549 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: 069 69800910
Contact details of the data protection officer
Data Protection Officer
Cargo City Süd 543
60549 Frankfurt am Main
E-Mail Addressee:
Your Rights
On request, you have the right to obtain free information on your stored personal data. Additionally, you have the right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data, the right to obtain a restriction of excessively processing of personal data as well as the right to obtain the erasure of unlawful processed personal data or data which is stored too long (as far as there are no legal obligations to store the data). Furthermore you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit those data to another controller (right to data portability), as far as you have handed over the data to us within the framework of a declaration of consent or for the fulfillment of a contract.
Insofar you have also a right to object in individual processes this is dealt within the description of the individual process.
In order to exercise your rights you can write an e-mail to
In addition, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
Voluntary Provision of Data
The provision of your personal data on this website is generally neither required by law nor by contract. You are not obliged to disclose personal data on this website. However, the provision of the functions of this website requires the processing of your personal data.
Information on Cookies
Cookies are small text files which are stored on your terminal device by the browser used when you access our website. In this way you can "recognize" individual services of a website and "remember" which settings you have made. This serves on the one hand the user-friendliness of web pages and thus the users (e.g. storage of login data). On the other hand, cookies are used to collect statistical data on website use and to use the data thus obtained for analysis and advertising purposes.
Some cookies are automatically deleted from your terminal device as soon as you leave the website (so-called session cookie). Other cookies are stored for a certain period of time, which does not exceed two years in each case (persistent cookies). We also use so-called third party cookies, which are managed by third parties in order to offer certain services.
You can influence the use of cookies. Most browsers have an option that restricts or completely prevents the storage of cookies. However, it is pointed out that the use and especially the comfort of use are limited without cookies.
Overview about the Processes
Personal data are processed on this website in the context of the following processes:
- Cargo Tracing
- Server-Logfiles
- Contacting us
- Google Analytics
1.Cargo Tracking
You can get information about the current status of your cargo if you enter the AWB-Number (and in some cases further details to identify the cargo). No user account, no e-mail address and no further e-mail address is necessary to conduct to cargo tracing.
Logfiles of the request are stores (see no 2 below).
Legal Basis
The data are processed on the basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR. According to Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR the processing of personal data is lawful if it is necessary to perform a contract.
Storage Period
We store no data within the of cargo tracking.
2.Server Log Files
Each time you access the website, we automatically collect a series of technical data, which is personal data.
These are:
- User’s IP address
- Name of the requested website respectively the data file
- Date and time of the access
- Transferred data volume
- Report of successful retrieval
- Browser type and version
- User’s operating system
- The device used by the user, including MAC address
- Referrer-URL (the previously visited website)
This data is not combined with any other personal data that you actively provide on the website. We collect server log files for the purpose of administering the website and to be able to recognize and prevent unauthorized access.
Legal Basis
The processing of personal data within the frame of the log files is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. According to Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR the processing of personal data is lawful if the processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by us, except where such interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms which require protection of personal data Our legitimate interest is in the easier administration and the ability to detect and track hacking. You can object to this data processing at any time if there are reasons which exist in your particular situation and which speak against the data processing. In order to do so you can write an e-mail to the data protection officer.
What is an IP address?
The IP address is a worldwide unique sing of numbers which is assigned to each device (e.g. smartphone, tablet, PC) connected to the Internet. The IP address depends on which Internet access your device is currently connected to the Internet. This can be the IP address that your Internet provider has assigned to you, for example, if you are connected to the Internet via your W-LAN at home. It can also be an IP address assigned to you by your mobile phone provider or the IP address of a provider of a public or private W-LAN or other Internet access. In its currently most common form (IPv4), the IP address consists of four number blocks. In most cases, as a private user, you will not use a constant IP address, as this is only temporarily assigned to you by your provider (so-called "dynamic IP address"). With a permanently assigned IP address (so-called "static IP address") a clear assignment of user data is easier in principle. Except for the purpose of tracking unauthorized access to our website, we do not use this data on a personal basis, but only evaluate on an anonymous basis which of our websites are favored, how many accesses are made daily and the like.
Storage Period
The log data is automatically deleted after 30 days. We reserve the right to store log data longer, if there are facts which suggest that an illegal access has taken place (such as the attempt of hacking or a so-called DOS-attack).
When you contact us (for example by e-mail or by using the contact form), the information provided by you will be stored for the purpose of processing the request and in the event that further questions arise.
Legal Basis
The processing of personal data within the frame of contacting is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. a and lit. f GDPR. According to Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR the processing of personal data is lawful if the processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by us, except where such interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms which require protection of personal data. Our legitimate interest consists in the processing of the contact information. You can object to this data processing at any time if there are reasons which exist in your particular situation and which speak against the data processing. In order to do so you can write an e-mail to the data protection officer.
Storage Period
The personal data stored within the scope of establishing contact will be deleted if the request has been completely clarified and it is also not to be expected that the concrete contacting will become relevant again in the future.
4.Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google LLC ("Google"), 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google Analytics uses several "cookies" (see above) to identify your browser. The information generated by the cookies about your use of this website is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. However, we have activated the IP anonymization function on this website so that Google will shorten your IP address within Member States of the European Union or in other signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area previously. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activities and to provide the website operator with further services associated with website use and Internet use. The IP address transmitted by your browser in the context of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data. For the exceptional situations in which personal data is transferred in the USA, Google has submitted to the EU-US-Privacy Shield,
Legal Basis
The processing of personal data within the frame of Google Analytics is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. According to Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR the processing of personal data is lawful if the processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by us, except where such interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms which require protection of personal data. Our legitimate interest consists in analyses of website’s use. You can prevent the transmission of data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) to Google and the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link:
Storage Period
The personal reference is deleted directly by the partial deletion of the IP addresses, so that only statistical data is stored.